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Showing posts with the label Book Review

Internship Experience at IIDE

How did I join the IIDE Virtual Internship Programme(VIP)? I became aware of IIDE's VIP program through a faculty member at my college. She received an email from IIDE requesting her to share information about their VIP program with her students. Intrigued by the opportunity, several students from our college registered for it. How was the selection process? On September 4, 2022, I enrolled in the program. The application process proved rigorous and exhausting. They specified in their email that only 150 interns would be selected. On September 6, I received an official confirmation email from Ms. Shreya Ravaria outlining the roles, responsibilities, and program details. It spanned five weeks, with activities scheduled five days a week. While my college hours were from 08:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m., the program began at 04:00 p.m. daily. Despite being an unpaid internship, I believed the value of obtaining a completion certificate and valuable experience outweighed the monetary sacrifice...

Cognitive Fitness: Pain Is Inevitable. How to Alleviate It and Use It to Your Advantage by Anil Rajput

Hey guys, today we are going to look into an amazing book that not only gives you a great understanding of cognitive function but also gives you awareness about the same. This book comes under the genre of neuroscience and Development and growth, the book named Cognitive Fitness: Pain Is Inevitable. How to Alleviate It and Use It to Your Advantage. Written by Anil Rajput This book is divided into ten topics and each chapter wings a different purpose. This book speaks about the progress in cognitive competence and resilience for success. It also conveys certain strategies and vital techniques to manage stress, anxiety, disorders, failures, and complexity. We keep looking for medications and we are not aware that it all depends on our nervous system. It contains a few illustrations which give a clear vision of the ideology shared by the author and it also gives a better explanation of principles. This book not only knocks on the scientific door but also notches us motivation...

It's Only Live Once by Ishan Kamdar

 Book: It's Only Live Once  Author: Ishan Kamdar @ishankamdar 📌 It's Only Live Once by Ishan Kamdar is a fictional book wherein the author attempted to pen down a cricket match. Usually, people knew about live cricket commentary. But this idea of writing a commentary book is different and creative.  📌 The title is appropriate as every cricket match is live only once. The cover page is apt and gives us a thought that something related to cricket is discussed here. 📌 The author's creativity and the way he moved through the plot line is appreciable. May be that I am not a cricket fan, sometimes I lost grip.  📌 Overall, it was a good read. Recommended for cricket lovers.

Purgatory Voyage by Adarsh Kumar Khure

 Book: Purgatory Voyage Author: Adarsh Kumar Khure @adarsh_kumar_khare    "Purgatory Voyage" by Adarsh Kumar Khure is a mythological hindu fiction where a Priest narrates the story of a person who went to Yamlok in his present life. The flashback plot was set in 925 AD and revolves around Kalidas aka Kali. Kalidas is a god stricken virtuous peasant living in Bindu Khand ( now the adjoining parts of Indian states Uttar pradesh and Madyapradesh). The king  of Bindu Khand, Bindu Dev Varman decided to go to Yamlok through a Tunnel in Bharmaur to resolve the unpalatable drought experienced by his state. Kalidas somehow went along with King to Yamlok and came to know the secrets of Karma and life after death. While reading this part, I felt like reading a mini version of GarudaPurana. Kalidas got to know about the 21 main hells and 21 heavens but whoever went on a 12 days purgatory voyage would forget whatever happened when he returns back to his normal earthly life. The s...

Love Alive by Rijuta Gupta

 Name: Love Alive  Author: Rijuta Gupta @rijutagupta Im collaboration with @kharidobechobooks Check out @kharidobechobooks  for affordable book deals. Love Alive by Rijuta Gupta is a adult romance fiction. The story revolves around Udita and her love and marriage life. Initially, Udita, a lawyer loved Ankit and gave birth to twins  Maya and Meera. Later on, she fell in love with Nipun and started her life with him.Being the biological of the two, Ankit didn't interfere in their life. After few years when the paternity report was out and when the daughters met Ankit, things went miserable. The story is weird and predictable. It was full of emotion and confusion as well. It was at a point like watching a age old TV  serial. It is not my cup of tea. Still, the language is good and the author plotted the story line very well. May be the character development wasn't that strong. Overall, it was a good read. #kharidobecho #kharidobechobooks #kbfamily #kharidobechoteam...

The So-Called Destiny by Yutheka Pandian

 Book: The So-Called Destiny Author: Yutheka Pandian @yutheka_pandian "The So-called destiny" by Yutheka Pandiyan is a contemporary Romance book but I would say a romantic thriller it was. The story revolves around Aditya and Pavni. Aditya is a handsome sports guy. Pavni is a young architect. Pavni got to meet Aditya in beach, it was more like a pain healing place for her. Soon she made friends with Aditya's friends namely Vikram, Gautam, Kriti and Tara. Everything went well until Gautam wanted to marry Pavni. but was jealous of Pavni spending time with Aditya. He tricked Aditya's girlfriend Chaya. That was a major breakthrough in both of their lifes. Aditya was deeply hurt and broken but a serious event changed his miserable life from a mere dallier to a responsible person. The climax was really touchy. And it was more like watching a movie. The language was lucid and easy to understand. This book is a emotional treat. Want to read it again.😍

Elephant in the store room

Name: Elephant in the store room Author: Dr. Anu Teotia The Elephant in the store room by Dr. Anu Teotia is a self help book to forgive things, move on and lead a positive life ahead. The cover page of the book is neat, elegant and pleasant. The title of the book was pretty intriguing to pick up this book. Its justification goes like this. Everyone will not talk about their worst negative events in their life as it will be too painful for them and they shift those events thought to a store room in their mind wherein it is stored in their unconscious mind and takes control over their life without even realising it. Hence, the author says that the elephant must be taken out of the store room in your unconscious mind. It was a unique and creative example to make readers understand the content. Every chapter is maximum two pages length backed with daily activities and meditation exercises to help you achieve it in a more effective way. The language is simple and I recommend to all who want...

The waves call coming

 Book: The waves come calling Author: Nikhil Chandwani @nikhilchandwani It's one of the best romance thriller. It's about a couple- shiana and Rudra who falls in love and just before their eve of marriage, they packed up for a excursion where a tradegy awaits.  The book is short and elegant - just 23 pages. It has been formatted well. The language is lucid and simple. What I liked was the beginning 2 pages and the ending para. That's where I really felt like being in that scene. The middle part was okay-okay. Not too good. Not too bad. The story was very predictable and the author gave clues to the ending climax in the middle part. And I think that's the point where readers may lose their interest as the climax is already known. So it's always better to make it a suspense.  Overall, a good romantic thriller read. I'm eagerly waiting for the part 2.  My best wishes to the author🤗🌸


 Book: Ravana Author: Gaurav Kataria  Every should have heard the king Ravana, who kidnapped Sita, wife of Rama. He was typically portrayed as aggressive, merciless, arrogant villain who have always done unlawful acts and usually harming rishis munis sadhus and devas.  This book takes reverse turn where the author shows a different version of Ravana as a intelligent and smart person. The language is simple yet elegant. The first person narration gave a touch to the story.The author have also provided with corporate advises and motivations which I didn't find too good. However, the overall story kept me hooked and I didn't want to keep it down.

Mystery of the urban monķs

 Book: Mystery of the Urban Monks Author: @authorvikramsingh  Genre: Fiction ❤ On a train journey to Varanasi, A Yogi meets John, a writer. Yogi narrates him a story about three friends: Krish, Tony and Asif. To have a break from normal tiring life, The three friends went into an joyous trip to Goa, which became a life-changing journey for them. The search of an monk and  the desire to learn more dragged them to many places from lofty Himalayas to gorgeous ranges.  Basically, it's a story within a story. ❤ The plot was different but unique and had a well developed theme.The characters were beautifully sketched. The characters were following different religions but had the same faith towards humanity. ❤ The language was lucid and simple to understand. The author's writing style is engaging and intriguing. It kept me hooked throughout the end. ❤️ The book is unique I would say. The messages were embedded like a gem in it. Only a keen reader could get it.  I would ...


 Book:Abyss Author: @authorsabarna  Abyss is a full length play in two acts with an interval in between. It is essentially a racy crime thriller full of gritty suspense. Act one builds up slowly to result in a crescendo of conflicts between personalities and ideas finally to end with an unnatural death before the interval. Is it a suicide or a murder? Act two evolves through a series of incisive interrogations to unravel the truth, which is deeply disturbing and affecting. As the play unfolds into a very well crafted situational thriller, underneath is the debate about using land for agriculture or for industry, the ethics of a working author and the nexus of a modern state all wonderfully enmeshed into its storyline and the personal lives of its subtly etched out characters. The highpoints of the play are its central conflict between a mother and her daughter and its female sleuth ? Renuka. 🌸 Right from the beginning, The story captures the attention of the readers.  🌸...

Armed struggle

 Book:  ARMED STRUGGLE Author:  Aman Choudhary 💭 In Collaboration with  @bookreviewersclub It's a MUST READ interesting book. ❤ The book gave a clear prespective on how India actually attaìned independence despite the selective non violence methods taught in schools and colleges. It described heart-melting sacrifices by our freedom fighters who were merely lost in past.  ❤ I felt Proud to be a Indian and at the same time, I felt disgusted how cunningly the Union Govt. at that time chose to claim the ENTIRE independence struggle and neglected armed struggle. It's a betrayal to our real heroes. ❤ The language used is lucid and simple. The author's writing style is engaging. The author knew his way around the table. He beautifully sketched the incidents and directed towards the ultimate goal of the book. I never kept the book down. MUST READ for all Indians ❤ It's FREE on AMAZON. Click the link in bio  Go Grab Now!!!

Unlocking the Lockdown stories

 Book: Unlocking the Lockdown stories Author: @authorjuhijaisinghani  🌷 This book is a collection of 10 short stories. All the stories are unique and had lockdown theme. 🌷 After reading the book, you will surely get a good read feel. 🌷 The writing style of the author was engaging and intriguing. The language is simple and lucid. The characters were well portrayed. It kept me engaged throughout the book. 🌷 Apt Title and catchy cover.I personally Loved the author's writing style most. Expecting a lengthy fiction book from her. My best wishes to the author @authorjuhijaisinghani 💛 #lockdown2020 #bookstagram #lockdown

Etchings of the first quarter of 2020

 Book: Etchings of the first quarter of 2020. Author: @authorsabarna The book is basically divided into two elegant volume: 🌻 Letters and conversations part 🌻Winter Poems Part The protagonist is Babazula. He's married and has a stepdaughter Tulip. 🌻 Letters and conversations part was further divided into three: 🥀Letter to Tulip:  Babazula was invited to "Kolkata literary meet" as a panel member to discuss about "Dark side of the mind". So, he wanted to meet his step daughter who's staying there In the letter,Babazula talks about Tulip's mom, her biological father and how she has grown up all these years, and invites her to a coffee session to discuss about duality and marine conservation on which she's venturing into. 🥀 Letter to Suranjana He first thanks Suranjana and gives his opinion on child molesters and violators of women. He then critically analyses the characters Humbert and Lolita. However,  his opinion was neither a majority view nor a...

A pleasant Escape

 Book:  A Pleasant Escape Author: @rohankarpiyush Genre:  Fiction 💬 In collaboration with @hallerbos_books ❤ I'm glad I picked this book. I'm pretty sure you will fall in love with the author after reading this book (just like me😝) . May be because I found the protagonist's opinion on social issues similar to mine. ❤ The plot was extraordinary. The book was full of twists & turns.  At times the plot was stretchy but that doesn't bother the book's worth.  ❤ I personally believe that the author had strongly put forward the social issues of our country and world as well. Good to see people not just write stories but to give a social value and teach life lessons. ❤ I felt that the book is also a essence of life. Each individuals have their own different problems,  have different needs and different goals to be met. We never know what someone's being through.  Hence, we must respect everyone and help them get out of their problem. That's the least we ...

Yellow - The verses of hurting and healing

 Book: Yellow - The verses of hurting and healing Author: @hiurja Genre: poetry 🦋 You must have probably heard about this book. Recently it has become a quite popular one. Lemme tell you my experience.  🦋 Good that the verses had a theme : hurting and healing. It can be relatable to many people. The language is simple. The art beneath the prose poems added more charm to this book.  🦋 Believe or not but some poems aren't engaging at all. But we must appreciate the author for other extraordinary poems and her efforts in making this book.

Go to sleep little peep

Book:  Go to sleep little peep Author: @authorbrendilynnma  Illustrator: @jonav_art In collaboration with @hallerbos_books📝 🌸 The plot was cute. It's a perfect bedtime story. I could still relate it, when I was young,  I don't sleep that easy,  my mum has to do funny stuffs to make me sleep. Now,  my mum would beg me to get rid of my phone and sleep. 🌸 The book was engaging throughout. I loved how the baby bluebird kept questioning her mum. The disgusted mum didn't get a happy ending though. 🌸 The key element in children book is illustrations. The illustrations were alluring and gave a detailed view about the main plot. 🌸 Apt for children below 5,  through this book children could learn about animals and animal facts  and most importantly make them sleep. 🌸 Many mum nowadays,  want their child to learn something useful at a very tender age. It's suitable for them.

The soldier: A voiceless scream

 Book: The soldier: A voiceless scream Author: @nigamarv Genre:  Fiction ❤ Firstly the cover caught my attention. A mother was feeding her child but the sides were painted bloody,  giving a sense of normative thought. Why were they surrounded with blood?! I was pretty sure it's gonna be a tragic story. But to my surprise it was much more than that. However,  I had no idea about the title.  ❤  The book is fast paced and short read but exhibited strong emotions and deep feelings. I literally cried reading this book. Every part of the book kept me amazed and many times I  felt the pain of the protagonist. ❤ The book addressed traditional superstitions and their evil effects.  It also referred to sexual harassment and assaults faced by women. It has become common nowadays. Both men and women suffer but it's more in case of women. Every women are facing this at one point or other. Yeah,  it happened to me. I wish I was brave as the protagonist at ...

Piece of poetry: me & me

  "You got wings, not to shut it down. Flying is your passion, don't let darkness bring you down." . Book: piece of poetry: me & me  Poet: @imravirajmishra Genre: poetry ⚘The first thing that interested me is the sub title 'me & me'. If you are eager  to know what is it, it signifies self-love and self-care. Basically, this book is a  collection of 37 self-love poems. ⚘It's a short read book. It just took me less than 1 hour to complete the book. ⚘The language is lucid and doesn't require poetic or high vocabulary knowledge to read this book. ⚘ I personally loved 'when I saw a knight', 'up there' and 'what you wish' poems.  ⚘ The poems undoubtedly lead to a greater self awareness. However, at times I felt the interplay of words could have been better.

Poor Economics

  “Talking about the problems of the world without talking about some accessible solutions is the way to paralysis rather than progress.” 🖤 BOOK : POOR ECONOMICS  AUTHORS : @abhijit_banerjee._ & @esther.duflo_official 🖤 This book  discusses the general perspective of below poverty and the economic policies to alleviate poverty and to rise them to a cycle of wealth and prosperity.  🖤 It's surely a helping hand for developing countries and countries who are at their hard times. 🖤 When I read this book, I personally think it's too relatable to my country India where poverty and unemployment are in large numbers.  If India follows their techniques to address the twin problems, the result would be more effective. 🖤 It's not a 'economics only' book. It's certainly more than that. You don't need perquisites on economics to understand it. If you want to read it, you can surely give it a try. If you're new to economics,  I am pretty sure it would change ...