Book: A Pleasant Escape
Author: @rohankarpiyush
Genre: Fiction
In collaboration with @hallerbos_books
I'm glad I picked this book. I'm pretty sure you will fall in love with the author after reading this book (just like me😝) . May be because I found the protagonist's opinion on social issues similar to mine.
The plot was extraordinary. The book was full of twists & turns. At times the plot was stretchy but that doesn't bother the book's worth.
I personally believe that the author had strongly put forward the social issues of our country and world as well. Good to see people not just write stories but to give a social value and teach life lessons.
I felt that the book is also a essence of life. Each individuals have their own different problems, have different needs and different goals to be met. We never know what someone's being through. Hence, we must respect everyone and help them get out of their problem. That's the least we could do for them.
I love Balram's kindness, Sakshi's beauty, Manish's patriotism, Gaurav's commitment, Sarah's efforts, bulbul's innocence, Das's love, Rashmi's hope and Alok's heart for keeping up his mind to meet bulbul. Every characters in the book had their own story to tell and were given importance equally. The Author had kept his writing style well that it didn't bore me in any phrase though it was a slow paced book.
Best wishes to the Author @rohankarpiyush . I have to tell you this , IDK about others, but to me your book is a inspiration that still people put efforts to make others happy.
#aesthetic #bookstagram #bookreview #hallerbos_books #poetry #fiction #halloween
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