During the past 500 million years, there were five "mass extinctions". This was a study by Gerardo Paul Ehrlich and Rodolfo.
The big five mass extinctions
Late Devonian, 375 million years before - 75% of species lost.
End Permian, 251 million years before - 96% of species lost.
End Triassic, 200 million years before - 80% of species lost.
End Cretaceous, 66 million years before - 76% of all species lost.
Scientists say we've entered a sixth mass extinction. According to a new study, humans are the primary cause.

Earth is on the verge of sixth mass extinction. Scientists warn that the "6th mass extinction" of wildlife is more severe than perceived.
Scientists had analyzed both common and rare species of animals world.
The Earth’s sixth mass extinction is more severe than thought. It would appear by just counting lost or surviving species. The population of all species is in decline. Their only natural habitat is decreasing worse.

50% of animals that once shared our Earth have disappeared. They found that billions of flora and fauna would be lost forever.
This amounts to "a massive erosion of the greatest biological diversity in the history of Earth," the authors said.
Especially, It had hit hard the mammals of southern and southern East Asia where all the large-bodied mammal species lost more than 80% of their geographic ranges.
The decrease in population had lead to species extinction. The possible causes of extinctions are habitat conversion, climate change, overexploitation, poisoning, species invasion, disease, and wars. All these tied to one another and reinforcing each other’s impacts. Much frequently mentioned are human overpopulation and over-consumption.
The final words of the report affirmed, "Thus, we emphasize that the window for effective action is very short, probably just two or three decades.
Recent estimates are just one to two decades. All signs point to ever most powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life."
The resulting biological annihilation will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences. Humans must pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe.
It's the time for all the nations to put their hands together and think hard to save the plants and animals.
I am writing this article because I care about nature. You are reading it because you care.
Many people across countries also care and are taking action. And thankfully, have been doing so for decades. All these people, all of us, must not and cannot give up if we are to save nature and save ourselves.
Your belief and governance systems have failed you. Open your eyes and see the extermination of nature and the massacre of wildlife across the planet.
Politics, technology or economic status are not our objectives. Only health, happiness and the avoidance of suffering are our objectives.
It’s not just for animals or insects. It's for our kids. It's for our future fellow beings. Our future generations would not be able to get even what we have now.
Only by understanding, We could get peace. We can give them what we have and more if you wish.
Come on, humans. Put your hands together and Let's mend our relationship with the Earth and all the lifeforms that call it home.
We started it. We have to end this!
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