102 Shades of Me is a meaningful poetry collection and a work of layered emotions.
Aarushi Gupta's 102 Shades of Me is a sensitive, emotional, relatable poetry collections about love, hate, hurt and self-care. This brief collection of poems takes a stance from the beginning, asserting the lover's role as a force influencing others. The collection embodies this desire as a inspiration for art , "Break my heart, I need some inspiration for my art" and as a way of shifting to self-love. Using emotional fragments that each encapsulate a single idea, the free verses of this poignant collection tend to focus on well-defined narratives, symbols, or metaphors.
I felt, this collection had a quadrant theme. I was shook when the whole collection sounded like my story;- People love so deeply and one day the distance becomes greater & the becomes less frequent. every time your phone lights up you hope it's them or at least, you wish it was them. if not checking up on you, just saying anything at all. because yesterday you asked them how they were, & day before yesterday you asked them how they were, & the day before that too. & how much more can you do right? how long will the conversation be one sided?
so you start to care less about what they do but fragments of them linger in your head. "what did i do so wrong?" you didn't. there's nothing wrong with you at all. people change, when their need changes. but remember the times they were nice to you & were there for you instead of the bitter memories. it's hard to accept but, they've done their job in your life. everyone who walks in has a purpose & when they accomplish that, they leave. don't be disheartened, for with every person that walks out; someone better will walk in. but the cycle will repeat. you're just going to have to learn how to be ok with it.
Similarly, the quadrant theme of emotions of love, hurt, hate and self- love will continue to circle life. My experience apart, It's perpetual and we are becoming more dynamic once sweet memories are no more sweet and haunt us.
The book’s openhearted and sincere language is appealing.Its overall tone is encouraging and direct, and no syllable is wasted. The poems’ lines are clear and uncluttered, with declarative statements, emphasis, and tight end rhymes favored. Though the nature of life, human's emotions and poetry are recurring themes, each piece is unique. I felt, all pieces of poems are too relatable and had a direct impact on me.
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